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Musical Works
Select from the links below to view and hear John Rommereim's musical works.
Mixed Choir
Upper Voices
Solo Vocal
Chamber Music
Large Ensemble
Organ & Piano
Music for Film and Theatre
John Rommereim is the translator of Pavel Chesnokov's The Choir and How To Direct It from Russian to English. The book is available to purchase through the publisher, Musica Russica. In the preface to the book, the late conductor of the St. Olaf Choir, Kenneth Jennings, declared that the translation was "indeed a welcome addition to the literature on the choral arts!" William Weinert, Editor of The American Choral Review wrote: "John C. Rommereim's translation, with extensive supplementary material, opens a window on the distant and fascinating world of one of the most important figures of pre-revolutionary Russian choral music."
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